23 March 2020
Talofa everyone!
First and foremost – we have NO known cases in our school or school community.
At the weekend the announcement was made by the Prime Minister that NZ has moved to Alert Level 2 – Reduce Contact for COVID-19. High risk individuals are asked to remain at home as much as they can from now on. We are all to avoid non-essential travel.
While most of us only experience a mild to moderate version of Covid-19, high risk individuals may experience more severe symptoms. High risk people are:
- Those over 70 years
- Those with compromised immunity
- Those with underlying conditions such as respiratory illness including severe asthma, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension
More information can be found at https://covid19.govt.nz/.
So, if your child is unwell, keep them at home until 100% recovered.
If your child or someone in your home is considered ‘high risk’, please keep your child at home. Your child can access learning at home on Google Classroom.
I understand that some of you may choose to keep your children away from school even though they don’t fit into the above category. Please communicate this with the school. The overall well being considerations of you and your family is important to us.
I have talked with all staff who fit into this category and have asked that they too follow medical advice. We have one teacher who will be at home as a precaution because of an existing medical condition. Our staff are currently able to cover the learning of this class.
If you come into school for any reason, please come to the office first so we are able to monitor who has contact with our students and staff at any time.
Thank you for trusting us and being patient while we make changes at school in line with Ministries of Health and Education advice. We are doing all we can to keep our students and staff safe. Good hygiene remains a priority at our school, and we are reinforcing this regularly, as well as physical distancing, with all students and staff.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other, especially those in your whānau who are vulnerable.
Ia manuia!
Melini Fasavalu